Shew No Hitter and Burger Shut Out Dismantle St. Mary’s

Adam Shew went seven innings, allowing one run on zero hits while striking out 15.

Coaching high school sports is a difficult task on its face, but advancing a team to success is quite another task altogether. At any level, there are three fundamental things that must be taught and maintained throughout a season to experience success. Focus, fundamentals, and humility, and Bruins varsity baseball coach Keith Wallin has his team on point as they continue to systematically dismantle opponents from top to bottom with impunity.

Peyton Armentrout laying down the perfect bunt…fundamentals.

Now on a 14 game winning streak in league play, the Bruins hosted the St. Mary’s Crusaders Thursday for an afternoon double dip and broke them down at every level. Bruin starting pitcher Adam Shew started by throwing a no-hitter breaking down their team batting as well as their ability to believe they were in the first game at all.

Jason DeShon sliding into home.

Followed by four hits, two hit batters and two walks adding up to a 7 run Bruin bottom of the 1st, the destruction began early on. The Bruin offense totaled ten runs off of  ten hits in the game while the fundamentally sound Bruin defense committed no errors on their way to victory in the opening act of the double feature.

Andrew Burger allowed only two hits, struck out six with no walks in four innings of shut out baseball.

In the late game, Andrew Burger took the hill for the Bruins and shut down the Crusaders offense early. Burger allowed only two hits and zero runs, striking out six and walking zero over four innings of shut out baseball.

Jason Vanginderen squaring up one of his 4 hits leading to 6 RBI in the late game.

The Bruin offense was led by Jason Vanginderen and senior Roman Worthey who both went 4-for-4 at the plate. Worthey singled in the first, singled in the second, singled in the third, and singled in the fourth. Jason Vanginderen also went 4-4 with 6 RBI in the game as the Bruins racked up 16 runs on 15 hits.

Brig Schofield beating the ball back on the pickoff play.

Again the Bruin defense played another 5 innings of error-free baseball, again demonstrating solid fundamentals and situational awareness.

Coach Wallin’s 12-0 Bruins will match up with a tough 8-2 Sutherlin Bulldog team Monday afternoon,in Sutherlin at 5:00 pm.

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