49th Annual Harbor Fire Pancake Breakfast

Please support your local volunteer firefighters by attending their 49th ANNUAL PANCAKE BREAKFAST to be held Sunday July 21st at the Harbor Fire Station on Benham lane.

The Association will be serving Pancakes, Ham, Coffee, and Orange Juice on July 21st from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00pm at 98068 W Benham Lane, Harbor, Oregon.

The pancake breakfast was started approximately 49 years ago by the late Chief Frank Kelly. After Chief Kelly passed away, it was continued on by the late Chief John Brazil with his wife Patra Brazil organizing it on a yearly basis, until last year when Chief Brazil became ill. At that time Association members stepped up, organized the Pancake Breakfast, and are in the process of organizing this year’s event.

The Harbor Volunteer Firefighters Association put on the breakfast to raise money for the Association. The Association is for the benefit of the firefighters. Two years ago some of the Association money was spent on a new air supply system. With this air supply system used by Firefighters to fill the Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (S.C.B.A.) tanks easier and much safer.

The Association will be serving Pancakes, Ham, Coffee, and Orange Juice on July 21st from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00pm at 98068 W Benham Lane, Harbor, Oregon.

Tickets are $8.00 available at the station beforehand and on the day. Our engines and firefighters will be out in the community in the next week as well or you may pay at the door.

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