Coos Curry Electric – Update

Coos-Curry Electric Cooperative, Inc. (CCEC) is closely monitoring the Chetco Bar Fire and line crews are ready to mobilize and respond to power outages.  CCEC’s action plan includes maintaining electrical service to areas threatened by the fire until physical damage to our system, such as downed power lines, makes supplying power unsafe or impossible.

According to Roger Meader, CCEC General Manager/CEO, “the fire is currently encroaching on our transmission line in the Timeus Ranch Road area off of Carpenterville Road”.

Be safe during power outages. If you encounter downed lines, always assume they are live. Stay as far away from the downed lines as possible, and report the situation to our dispatchers by calling 1-866-352-9044.

Individuals who use electrically powered medical equipment should be prepared for power outages.  Make sure back-up batteries are fully charged and back-up oxygen tanks are available and full.