Curry County Sheriff’s Office Makes Medication Disposal Kiosk Available to the Public

The Curry County Sheriff’s Office, in partnership with Med-Project has now provided a safe and anonymous way to dispose of unwanted or expired medications.

A medication disposal kiosk is now located in the lobby of the Sheriff’s Office at 29808 Colvin St, Gold Beach. The kiosk is available to members of the public to dispose of safely and anonymously unwanted or expired prescription medications.

Liquids, ointments, and inhalers can be accepted if there are closed and not leaking. Items that can not go into the kiosk include schedule 1 substances, marijuana, sharps, vitamins, supplements, cosmetics, batteries, or illicit drugs. You may request free mail-back service to dispose of sharps by contacting 1-844-4-Take-Back (1-844-482-5322) or visit This service is provided free of charge and is at no cost to the county.

Medications will be sent to an appropriate facility for destruction. Using this kiosk, we can help eliminate the unauthorized use and abuse of medications and limit the introduction of medications to our waterways. This kiosk is available to the public use 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.