National Weather Service Issues Sneaker Wave Warning

Dangerous sneaker waves are possible Monday morning into Monday night and again on Thursday along the southern Oregon coast and risks will be increased by warm temperatures drawing people to the beaches.

While wave heights may not appear to be abnormally high, sneaker waves can run up on beaches significantly farther than other waves and can surprise beachgoers, knocking them down and pulling them into the ocean resulting in injury or drowning.

Sneaker waves are very powerful and can move logs and other debris, potentially crushing or trapping unsuspecting people. Keep your distance from the waves and avoid climbing on rocks, jetties or logs when there is an increased threat of sneaker waves.

For those at the beach, never turn your back on the ocean! If you see someone swept into the ocean, do not swim in after them! Call 911 and keep an eye on them until help arrives.


  1. Hi Jim
    This is Mark, we met on the dock crabbing. Just wanted to know if you had any figures on the number of vehicles involved in the procession of pro Trumpers through Brookings Sat. Sept. 26. It was awesome!!!

    • Hey Mark, great to hear from you…. no actually, I have not received any specific information regarding the Trump rally. I did hear that it was very well attended, and was sufficient enough to melt some snowflakes who have also written to see if I would denounce the reprobates who organized and had the gall to attend. If you have any specifics I would love to hear them. Great to hear from you. Jim

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