Brookings School Becomes Member of Monarch City


On Thursday, August 23rd, Brookings Oregon became an official “Monarch City” by an organization called “Monarch City U.S.A.”, and Kalmiopsis Elementary School became one of two “Monarch Schools” in Oregon and one of four in the entire country.

New first grader Liam Christensen proudly displayed the newly mounted Monarch School USA sign at Kalmiopsis.

When talking with one of the founders of the Brookings Oregon Monarch Advocates (B.O.M.A.) Vicki Mion, the Wild Coast Compass learned that Kalmiopsis Elementary allowed the organization into the school to interact with the children.

This allowed BOMA to bring Monarch eggs, caterpillars and chrysalises (cocoons) to the children and get the children excited about the process of the Monarch butterfly.

The children from Michelle Prudden’s Youth Transition Program and BOMA taught the young students how to ‘grow’ Monarchs from egg, to catepillar, to raising and tagging adult Monarchs and releasing them on their great migration.

In this process the students transformed the neglected Little Bear Patch school garden into a ‘pollinator garden’. Pollinator gardens become areas for ‘pollinators’ to rest and refuel on their migration, as well as lay their eggs and repopulate. The next step is certify the school’s garden as a ‘waystation’ through Monarch Watch.

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