Catchin’ Kings

The long-awaited Chetco River “Bubble” fishery season began Saturday, October 7th, and 8th. This special time of the fishing season represents the last opportunity that anglers have to land an ocean caught King salmon in the area.

These fishing days start early, really early. Before dawn, you will start seeing the head and tail lights of trucks with boats in tow lining up for their turn at the launch ramp and eager anglers trying to get an early start on the elusive Kings.

Denny Dennis from Bend Oregon caught this 33 inch, 30 pound King Saturday.

The “bubble” fishery is aptly named because the area permitted to fish resembles a “bubble”  between Twin Rocks and the California/Oregon border while reaching 3 nautical miles out from the river mouth, and also represents a short period of time in the fall fishing season.

Kevin Mongar and his wife Elizabeth of Brookings landed this 36 pound monster.

Fisherman go through all of this for the chance to a limit of one fish (wild of hatchery) 28 inches in length or greater per day, a change from previous years when anglers were permitted 2 keepers.

The Oregon Fish and Wildlife adopted tighter regulations this year because of significantly lower predicted returns of salmon than last year combined with possible effects the Chetco Bar Fire may have on spawning adults. Other new regulations are in place this year and anglers should be sure to check that they are in compliance before heading out.

Jim Vellutini from Sparks Nevada brought his 89 year old mom out and took home this 10 pound King.

As you look out from Sporthaven Beach areas, dozens of boats bob in a concentrated area just outside the mouth of the Chetco River, the “bubble”, and locals realize that summer is officially over.

It is during this time of year, as it has been for hundreds of years, that the big Kings, some over 50 pounds, begin to stack up near the mouth of the river. Up to 20 percent of these massive fish are 5 years old weighing between 40 and 50 pounds and are holding up at the mouth of the river waiting for fall rains to make their run up the river.

This “bubble’ fishery opportunity brings anglers from throughout Oregon, Northern California, Nevada and Washington for a chance at these elusive Kings. Since Kings began showing up in the area in the estuary and Chetco river in late September and early October, ODFW biologists predicted an excellent start to this year’s Bubble fishery season.

Local boy 13 yr. old Luke Christensen landed this 39 inch, 33 lb Lunker on Saturday.
Local Jeff Scott got lucky just before returning to port and reeled in this 35 inch, 30 pounder.











The season will open again next weekend October 14th and 15th, marking the end of the King Salmon ocean season for the year.

Bill from Medford did not go home empty-handed taking this 18lb King.

Good Luck, and Fish On.