Fourth Curry County Resident Tests Positive for COVID-19

Late Saturday morning, April 18th, in a press release from Public Health Administrator Sherrié Ward, it was announced that the Curry County Public Health Department received notification of a confirmed positive case of Covid-19 in Curry County from a North Bend Medical Center lab in Coos Bay.

Curry County Public Health has reached out to the individual who tested positive and is now working on contact investigation and tracing for those who possibly have been in prolonged close contact with the individual.

Public Health Administrator Sherrié Ward

The three previous cases reported in Curry County have all been under monitoring and self-isolating and will be considered recovered from the virus as of Monday April 20, 2020. Curry County Public Health will continue to notify the public if any additional positive cases are reported.

Curry County Public Health has reached out to the individual who tested positive and is now working on contact investigation and tracing for those who possibly have been in prolonged close contact with the individual.

The three previous cases reported in Curry County have all been under monitoring and self-isolating and will be considered recovered from the virus as of Monday April 20, 2020. Curry County Public Health will continue to notify the public if any additional positive cases are reported.

Please remember it is imperative that we all follow the Oregon Health Authority, Center for Disease Control and Governor’s guidelines about social distancing, protecting yourselves and staying home to slow the spread and save lives.