SWAT Called In After Man Reported by Surveillance System to Home Owner, Caught in Act by Police

A 911 call was received by the Grants Pass Police Department early Sunday morning, October 2nd, from a Grants Pass resident, who advised that he was not home at the time, that his surveillance system had remotely notified him of an intrusion into his residence at 3:15am.

Upon review of the surveillance recordings, the caller reported that an adult male, whom he identified as 35 year old Eric William Kelly, had gained access into his home, and was removing valuables.

First responding officers to arrive at the address discovered Kelly outside the home stacking items belonging to the victim. Kelly immediately ran into the victim’s house after Officers attempted first contact with him, and a perimeter was immediately established hoping to prevent Kelly’s escape.

Kelly, and his violent criminal history, was already familiar to the Grants Pass Police Department which quickly activated SWAT and Crisis Negotiations Teams and operations were conducted by SWAT at the residence for approximately two hours.

Kelly was subsequently located at a neighboring address and was taken into custody without incident before being transported to the Josephine County Jail and charged with Burglary 1, Theft 1, and interfering with police.